Our Story
The Indian Institute of Metals was formed in 1945 to provide a professional body for metallurgists in India. The Institute has since grown to over 10,000 members and is recognized as one of the premier metallurgical organizations in the world, with activities including organizing conferences, conducting research, and publishing materials related to metallurgy and allied technologies. The organization was established to undertake key activities in the space of metallurgy in India.
Our Vision
Build a community of scientists, engineers and technologists that will take India to global leadership in minerals, metallurgical and materials science and engineering, and be the premier advocate for materials and manufacturing innovation.

Our Mission
Identify the key requirements of the metallurgical and materials segments and the professionals that can be served by IIM
Provide a platform for national and international collaborations
Provide opportunities for continuous education
Develop and share authoritative databases with industry, R&D and academia
Be a premier forum for aiding the development of policy issues for government, industry, R&D and academia
Forge stronger ties between IIM and metallurgical/materials sectors, academia, research, and professional organizations worldwide.
President's Message

(Shri Sajjan Jindal)
Dear Members,
Warm greetings and heartfelt regards to everyone.
It is an immense honor and a profound sense of responsibility to serve as President of The Indian Institute of Metals (IIM) for the year 2023-24. The trust you have placed in me is humbling, and I am committed to upholding the high standards of excellence and dedication that have been the hallmark of our Institute. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to our outgoing President, Mr. Satish Pai, Your visionary leadership, tireless efforts, and unwavering dedication have significantly propelled the Indian Institute of Metals to new heights. Under your guidance, we have made remarkable strides in advancing our field, fostering collaboration, and nurturing the next generation of engineers and researchers. Your contributions have set a high bar for us all, and we are profoundly grateful.
India is one of the world's largest producers of steel, ranking second globally with an annual production of over 100 million tonnes in 2023. The aluminium sector also holds a significant position, with India being the second-largest producer in the world, boasting an annual production capacity of over 4 million tonnes. India's strategic focus on materials science research is positioning the country as a global leader in this field, contributing to its emergence as a research hub for materials science....
Apex Body

Shri Sajjan Jindal
Current Affiliation : Chairman & Managing Director , Jindal South West Steel Ltd.
Office : 022 2351 3000
Fax :022-2352 6400

Vice President & Chairman, Metal Science Division
Prof. B S Murty
Current Affiliation : Director, Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad
Office : 044-2257 4754
Fax :044-2257 4754

Vice President & Chairman, Non-Ferrous Division
Dr Komal Kapoor
Current Affiliation : Chairman & Chief Executive, Nuclear Fuel Complex
Office : +91 40 2712 3728
Fax :+91 40 2712 1271

Vice President & Chairman : Ferrous Division
Shri Amarendu Prakash
Current Affiliation : Chairman, SAIL
Office : 011-24367282

Immediate Former President
Mr. Satish Pai
Current Affiliation : Managing Director of Hindalco Industries
Office : +91 22 6662 6666/62610555/ +91 22-6691 70000
Fax :+91 22 6691 7001

Secretary General
Brigadier Arun Ganguli (Retd)
Office : 022-2367 5004

Hon. Treasurer
Mr. Somnath Guha
Current Affiliation : Managing Director, Metalist Consultants P Ltd